Monday, December 27, 2010

The Christmas Scoop

Well, I just finished washing and hanging the girls velvet holiday dresses which won't fit them next year, recycling the Christmas gift wrap, putting the advent calendars away (the rest of the Christmas decor will be around for a bit yet)

...and reflecting on the magic at our home.

The Christmas Eve present is always pajamas (gotta look cute in Christmas pics) - and, always, it seems we should just stop there. Our girls loved their near-matching PJs...and, in fact, we've had trouble getting them to take them off since.

Just a few notes and highlights...
  • Christmas Eve candelight service. Historically my favorite thing about Christmas because of its peacefulness. This year's service was one hour of pure anxiety.  I was certain we might burn (thanks to Baby R's adventures) down our church which was celebrating its 209th (yes 209th!) Christmas Eve service.
  • The favorite gift of my eldest? Her ladybug Pillow Pet. Gag. How could that be? 
  • Her second favorite gift? Ice skates and the mini backyard rink.
  • Her third? The cupcake maker from her Tutu (my Mom). I am, of course, envious beyond words. I wanted an easy bake oven more than you can imagine. I never got one. She basi
  • Are you wondering where the doorway puppet theatre I agonized over falls in the rank? No where. But, there was genuine excitement about it when it was opened. Baby R thinks it's a peek-a-boo station. By noon on Christmas Day one production was under way and I suddenly wondered if I'd made a grave mistake. 
  • Baby R now comes down the stairs every morning going "ohhhh...." as she turns the corner where those full stockings were hung. She moves on quickly, fortunately.
  • Most played with toys? The tissue packs and band-aids from the girls' stockings.
  • Cutest gift? The apron Tutu made for Baby R. Looked especially cute over her velvet holiday dress.
  • My favorite moment? When I opened up the gift my daughter picked out at her "holiday fair" (the PTA holds a holiday fair full of yard sale type items - and kids come in from their classrooms and buy a gift for each member of their family for 25 cents. It is brilliant.) especially for me. A ceramic napkin holder. The proud smile on her face? Priceless.
  • Loved "elfing" on Christmas Eve day. We delivered goodie bags and real bayberry candles (a New England tradition). I even wore a Santa hat. My daughters refused to wear the antlers. Bah-humbug.
  • Will definitely elf again.
  • Breakage update. All snowglobes have been broken - as well as many Christmas ornaments. My husband reminds me each time we hear the "crash" followed by the "uh-oh" that it is not intentional, but rather, healthy exploration. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done....I love the stories after Christmas. I have found a new snow globe for next year...I hope R still finds the wonder in it. My heart is full of memories..Tutu
