Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What We Say

Our children echo us. I am reminded of this time and time again and yet I'm always surprised. Sometimes it's big profound statements, other times not so much. Sometimes just plain funny.

Baby (now toddler) R, as I was picking her up the other day, said, "I getting so heavy."


Monday, November 28, 2011

Dreaming of a Snow Globe Christmas (Thanks Sundance)

{Photo via Sundance}

If you've followed me for a while now, you know that last year we had some snowglobe magic

{Photo via MainelyHome December 2010}

and some snowglobe tragedy.

{Photo via MainelyHome December 2010}
I like to focus on the magic -- and, when you can combine that with my MasonJarLove, well, it's super magical.

And, Sundance has done just that.



Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pumpkin with a Purpose

I know, I know, I've been absent. Lots of transitions going on over here. But, I'm back (I think).

I've been holding onto this photo for a few weeks now - eager to share. It makes me really happy. A friend of my mother's (and, a reader of Maine-ly Home, I'm told!) gave her this lovely floral piece for her birthday. It's just so happy I can't stand it.